Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Book Reviews

The Pain and the Great One
Author: Judy Blume Illustrator: Irene Trivas

Reviewed by Ms. Perkins 3rd Grade Class

The Pain and the Great One is about a brother and sister that do not get along. In the beginning of the story the older sister is jealous of the younger brother because he gets whatever he wants. She calls him the “Pain.” In the second part of the story the brother is calling his sister the “Great One.” The brother says she always does everything better than he does. Read the book to find out who the parents love more!!

My favorite part was when the brother (The Pain) said my older sister thinks she is so Great. The reason why this is my favorite part is because it reminds me of my little sister. My favorite part is when the brother says that his sister can swim better because he does not know how to swim.

I would recommend this book to the principal of SBE because it is a good book. We would recommend this book to

Monday, January 23, 2012


Brittany:last night i learnd that you shoud alwas belive in yourself.why iam says
this is because i heard my sister say this is impossible for me to read this book.
then i said impossible is nothie.

Friday, January 20, 2012

No Place for HATE

Our Resolution of Respect

I promise to do my best to treat everyone fairly

I promise to do my best to be kind to everyone- even if they are not like me.

If I see someone being hurt or bullied I will report it to an adult

Everyone should be able to feel safe and happy at school.

I want our school to be No place for Hate

Lenorris:because if you was buolley if it was up to me I
will run and tell a thcher . because i want everybobdy to be safe and. repectful.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Yesterday we worked on our project about Greece. We learned so much! Here are some of the facts that we thought were interesting!







title="Wordle: GREECE"> src=""
alt="Wordle: GREECE"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Learning about Greece

Today we are going to learn about the country Greece in order to teach the rest of the school about our country. These are the questions we would like to find out:

Areli: What kind of animals do they have there?
What celebrations do they celebrate?

Kimberly: What kind of music is popular in Greece?

Brandon: What do people in Greece eat?
What do the Greeks look like?
Ishelle: What kind of clothing to they wear?

Marco- What do they do for fun?

Ms. Perkins- What does the Greece flag stand for?

Jessica: I would like to know about the celebrations and what they eat during the celebrations.

Vicky- What do they make their building out of?

Brittany- I want to learn about how the Greeks lived in the past and in the future.

Marco- We can search for facts about Greeks on the computer.

Destiny- I am wondering how they travel.

Asian- I am wondering do they travel?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I have a Dream

Brandon:Martin Luther King wants to black people and white to get along to be in the same school and bus and water fountain to not fight. Good thing that in 2012 we are gona be respectfull to others.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Recap of the week- Wordle Style

Wordle: Recap of the week

Today we used wordle to recap everything we learned about this week. We realized that we learned alot!!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Response to Quote

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Henry Ford

Our Responses:

Story Element Rap Jan 11, 2012

Today our class watched a video that taught us about the five story elements in a rap. We really enjoyed watching the video and learning something new.

Student Response:

Monday, January 9, 2012

We are Bucket FILLERS

Last Friday we larned how to be a buket fillers not buket dipper. Ms.Brigman came to are classroom last Friday and showed us how to be a buket filler .A buket filler is when a person makes someone happy by being Respectful, safety, niceness, teamwork, helping others. and when somone is new you should help them in workstations.


Kim- Today I learned some new things with Ms. Berigmen. I learnd to be nice, to share, kindful, honest and to work as a team, to help everyone.

Brittany- What I learnd is how to work together

Gustavo- I learned to work in a team and to work hard. Never give up.

Jared- I learned with Mrs. B that it is good to be a bucket filler and to never give up so we built a tower.

Marco- I learned how to be a friend to Mrs. B.

Michelle- I learned with Mrs. B that to never get up and to keep trying . Our tower was taller than Mrs. B!

Ishelle- Today I learned with Ms. B that I should be a bucket filler not a bucket dipper. It's not fun being a bucket dipper so Ms. B gave us an asiment to build a tower with a group and to corropporate with each other. I had a fun time with my group building a tower

Corina- I learned that you should be good to your friends and fill someone's bucket.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Student Book Recommendations

Today our class took time to write a book recommendation for a friend. Here are some book recommendations that we would like to share:

Jessica: if someone ask me jessica what is a good book i would say if you took a mouse to the movies. that is my favorite book to read i even love the book if you give a muse a muffen. why do i like it because once we went to a field trip and we saw a show of if you give a muse a muffen and read the book if you take a mouse to the move

Ishelle's-If anybody asks me Ishelle what is a good book i say the gator girls. :The gator girls is mostly about 2 best friends that have a list for summer and 1 of the girls have to go to camp and the 2 best friends thought she was going to be alone the whole summer but at the end they end up at the same camp. The reason its my favorite book is because it reminds me of my best friend to. But it wasnt that she went to camp it was because she was about to move.

Brittany-oh no miss nelson is missing the book i think why you should read my funny book because .You might fall in love whit the Brittany.
ps: make shre your teachre dose not go home.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

We are excited about MATH...

GOALS:We are excited about doing math activities. We want to become better at multiplication.


Yesterday we learned about the value of coins.

Yesterday we learned about land forms is a pice of land that is form by natrual.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Resolutions

“What you get by achieving your goals isn’t as important as what you become by achieving your goals”- Zig Ziglar

Jessica- "If my goal was to read every night I would get attention but most importantly I would become a good reader."

Victoria- follow the derections

Our class room resolution: Respect our school, classroom, teacher, and classmates!

Our Individual Resolutions: